The Grinder

Coffee Making with V60


If you're a coffee lover, then you must have heard about the V60 coffee maker. This Japanese device is well-known for producing a clean and crisp cup of coffee. It has a unique design that enables the coffee to be brewed through a paper filter, resulting in a smooth, non-bitter taste. In this blog post, we will discuss the process of making coffee with V60 and some tips to make the perfect cup.

The V60 Brewing Process

The V60 coffee maker is a pour-over brewing method. The brewing process is simple and requires a few steps. Firstly, you will need to grind your coffee beans to a medium-fine texture. The next step is to place the paper filter inside the V60 dripper and rinse it with hot water. This process will remove the papery taste from the filter and warm up the dripper.

After that, you can add your coffee grounds to the filter and pour hot water over them. Make sure to pour the water in a circular motion, starting from the center, and gradually moving towards the edge. This process will ensure that the coffee is evenly brewed. Wait for the water to drip through the filter, and your coffee will be ready to serve.

Tips for Making the Perfect Cup

To make the perfect cup of coffee using V60, there are some tips that you should follow. Firstly, always use fresh and high-quality coffee beans. The freshness of the coffee beans will have a significant impact on the taste of your coffee. Secondly, make sure to measure the coffee and water ratio correctly. The ideal ratio is 1:15, which means one gram of coffee per 15 ml of water.

Another important tip is to use the right temperature of water. The ideal water temperature is between 90 to 96 degrees Celsius. Using water at the right temperature will ensure that the coffee is brewed correctly and will result in a delicious taste. Lastly, practice makes perfect. The more you practice making coffee with V60, the more you will understand the nuances of the brewing process, and the better your coffee will taste.


In conclusion, making coffee with V60 is a simple yet effective way of brewing a smooth and delicious cup of coffee. By following the brewing process correctly and applying the tips mentioned above, you can make the perfect cup of coffee every time. So, grab your V60 coffee maker, some high-quality coffee beans, and start brewing your perfect cup of coffee. Happy brewing!

Coffee V60 by foro

Coffee Making with Aeropress


For coffee lovers, there are a variety of brewing methods to choose from, and the Aeropress is one such method. It gained popularity for its ability to quickly brew a quality cup of coffee with a smooth and clean taste. In this blog post, we will discuss the process of making coffee with Aeropress and some tips to make the perfect cup.

The Aeropress Brewing Process